

Eventful dance piece by Terhi Kuokkanen and Elina Häyrynen takes the audience
to the core of human relationships. What is interaction between two human-beings?
What does trust mean in relationships? The physical motion and exact partnering
take this story forward while emotions alternate from gentle to aggressive.
The performance is suitable for both small and large venues.

Choreography and dance: Terhi Kuokkanen and Elina Häyrynen
Duration: appr. 15-20 min
Premiere: 14.8.2011, UudenPolvenMuseo dance happening, Säynätsalo
Supported by: the Arts Council of Central Finland

Photos: Matti Häyrynen

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In The Waning Light

“Swifts don’t make these flights alone. They ascend as flocks every evening before singly
drifting down, while in the morning they fly up alone and return to earth together. To
orient themselves correctly, to make the right decisions, they need to pay attention not
only to the cues of the world around them but also to one another.” – Helen Macdonald,
Vesper Flights, 2020