
The Age of the Wind

The Age of the Wind is a collaboration between Off/Balance and choreographer
Anna Mustonen. It is a sensual performance dealing with clinging and detachment
of the body and the surrounding matter. We are constantly in contact with clothes,
items and devices. In this performance the dance happens when the performer gets
involved in ia. running tight’s, designer vase’s or chiffon scarf’s choreography.

The piece is the first part of The Age of the Wind trilogy in which Mustonen wants to
enforce the relationship between the body and the world by slowly changing her
attitude towards breathing, the power of life, vibrations, surfaces and fluency.

“Anna Mustonen’s piece is like ever changing mosaic that transforms and lives in
the space. It feeds imagination and builds bridges between phenomena and events.
– – – The Age of the Wind is playful and at the same a serious dance work. It
begins with everyday movement, that throughout the performance transforms and
reaches a manic pulse.”

Maija-Liisa Westman, Newspaper Keskisuomalainen 20.11.2014

Choreographer: Anna Mustonen
Costume designer: Piia Rinne
Spatial designers: Piia Rinne and Anna Mustonen
Performers: Eleni Pierides, Jukka Tarvainen and Piia Rinne
Production: Off/Balance
Funding: Arts Promotion Centre Finland, City of Jyväskylä, Jenny and Antti Wihuri’s
foundation, Finnish Cultural Foundation and Regional Arts Council of Satakunta
Collaborators: Suur-Savon Sähkö, Konevuokraamo Vatupassi and Routa Company
Premiere: 19.11.2014, Vaajakoski’s Wanha Woimala, Jyväskylä
Duration: 45 min

Recommended age limit: 12 years old

Photos: Eetu Henttonen and Matti Häyrynen

See also these works

One Next to Me

“People are mostly layers of violence and tenderness wrapped like bulbs, and it is difficult to say what makes them onions or hyacinths.”
– Eudora Welty

Symphony on the Move feat. Off/Balance: Symphony

Choreographer/dancers: Elina Häyrynen and Jukka TarvainenFlute: Paulo GhigliaFlute: Esa-Veli RiuttamäkiViola: Dmitri Vasilevsky Jyväskylä Symphony’s spring ensemble On the Move is accompanied by Off/Balance. On the